Jobs and Employment


reading activity listening activity

# Learning Chocolate

This web site aims to help students to memorize vocabulary in an easy and efficient way, by using pictures, sounds and games.

Occupations 1

Occupations 2

Occupations 3

Technical Workers

People in Food Industry


reading activity Readings About Jobs - 1

Three short readings with multiple-choice questions about jobs.


reading activity listening activity Working in a Furniture Store

Students listen to and read a short paragraph and answer four questions about the reading.


reading activity Readings About Jobs - 2

Three short readings with multiple-choice questions about jobs.

Readings About Jobs - 3

Three short readings with multiple-choice questions about jobs.

Readings About Jobs - 4

Three readings with multiple-choice questions about jobs.


reading activity listening activity recording activity Conversations on the Job

Students listen to and read conversations related to three different work situations. They then record themselves role playing the conversation.


reading activity Classified Ads - Jobs

Students learn the words and abbreviations used in classified ads for jobs. Then they answer multiple-choice questions about four job ads.


reading activity Job Applications

Students review or learn words, abbreviations, and terms used on job applications. Then they look at two job applications and answer multiple-choice questions about them.


reading activity Filling in a Job Application

Students view a typical job application and type in their information. No data is collected or stored.


reading activity Understanding a work schedule

Students learn the words and abbreviations used in a work schedule. Then they answer multiple-choice questions about a schedule.


reading activity

Job-related Readings

Reading an Interview Schedule

Students look at an interview schedule and answer five multiple-choice questions. This activity focuses on before and after.

Reading a Work Schedule

Students look at a work schedule and answer seven multiple-choice questions.

Reading a Time Card

Students look at a weekly time card and answer seven multiple-choice questions.

Applying for a Job (1)

Students look at a classified ad and an application and answer six multiple-choice questions.

Reading a Statement of Earnings

Students look at Statement of Earnings Form and answer six multiple-choice questions.


reading activity listening activity Readings about People in Jobs

Students read or listen to a sentence and fill in the blanks for missing words from a list of words.


listening activity Dictations Related to Work

Students listen to a sentence and then type what they heard.


reading activity

Job-related Readings - Advanced

# Reading a Memo

Students read a memo regarding Cashing/Deposit Policies and answer questions about the memo.

Read a Memo for WorkStyles

Students read the memo telling about WorkStyles and answer 12, T-F questions about it.

Read a Memo for Upcoming Seminars

Students read a memo about Community Services and answer eight questions about the memo.

Complete an Accident Report

Students fill in an online accident report.

Reading a Workplace Memo

Students read an overview of a company's HMO plan and answer three questions.

Reading a Company's Safety Policy

Students read an a company's Safety Policy and answer two questions.


reading activity listening activity # Communicating at Work

This site provides activities in four areas: 1)  Getting along at work. 2)  Communicating on the job. 3)  Work culture. 4)  Doing well at work.


reading activity Understanding Spreadsheets

Students read basic information about how spreadsheets are put together and what their purpose is. Then they apply their understanding by answering seven questions about a spreadsheet.


reading activity Equipment Instruction - Connecting to the Internet

Students read an installation guide for connecting a DSL modem to a computer and answer eleven, multiple-choice questions about the process.


reading activity Reading a Job-Related News Article

Students read a news article about an organization that helps women dress appropriately for job interviews. Then they answer five multiple-choice questions about the reading.


reading activity listening activity Take a Message, Please

Students listen to voice mail and determine if the messages are good or bad work-related excuses. Then they listen to voice mail and take messages on them.


reading activity listening activity Answering Interview Questions

Students watch a video about questions during a job interview. They then answer four questions about what they heard and saw.


reading activity listening activity

# The Learning Edge offers interactive, online newspapers with learning activities.

Issue 5 - Workplace Issue 1
Topics: Networking; Using the Internet to find work; Top 10 Interview Questions; Students working; Students finding work; Cold calling

Issue 6 - Workplace Issue 2
Topics: Is your Paycheck accurate? Communicate for Success; How assertive are you? Payday Loans; Students Work Stories; Work Place Schedules.

Issue 7 - Workplace Issue 3
Topics: Communication in the Workplace; What Does it Take to Stay Employed? Workplace Safety; Workplace Stories from Learners; Learn Essential Workplace Skills.

Issue 8 - Workplace Issue 4
Topics: Goal Setting: Basic Facts about Goal Setting, Interview with Alice, Conflicting Goals, Goal Setting Stories, Links.

Issue 9 - Workplace Issue 5
Topics: Transferable Skills; Cashier, Florist Assistant.

Issue 10 - The Apprenticeship Issue
Topics: Apprentice Introduction, Apprentice Voices, Key Questions, Five Steps, An Interview with the Dean.


reading activity listening activity recording activity Practicing Employment Interviews

Students listen to and read conversations related to getting a job. They then record themselves role playing the conversations.