
Talking to Medical People


Listen to listen and read read  this conversation between Mrs. Smith and Angela, Dr. Pacheo's nurse.
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ANGELA:        Hello Mrs. Smith.  I am Angela, Dr. Pacheo's nurse. Why does your daughter need to see the doctor today?

MRS. SMITH:  She has a fever and diarrhea.

ANGELA:        How long has she had this?

MRS. SMITH:  Two days.

ANGELA:        How often does she go to the bathroom?

MRS. SMITH:  Four or five times a day.

ANGELA:        Has she been eating solid foods?

MRS. SMITH:  Sometimes.  But since she's been sick, she hasn't eaten too much.

ANGELA:        What is her temperature?

MRS. SMITH:  103° F.  (39.4° C.)

ANGELA:        Has she been vomiting?


ANGELA:        Let's take her temperature.  Hmmmmmm.  104°F. (40° C.)   OK. The doctor will be in shortly.

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