Past Tense of Verbs Practice

Type the the missing verbs.

I buy some carrots at the store.
I some carrots at the store.

Kim comes to class everyday.
Kim to class everyday.

I do my work.
I my work.

Sam drinks water often.
Sam water often.

I drive to Helen Hunt for my English Language Class.
I to Helen Hunt for my English Language Class.

I eat lunch at 12 o'clock.
I lunch at 12 o'clock.

I get home around 6:00 PM.
I home at 7:30 PM.

I have ten dollars in my wallet.
I ten dollars in my wallet.

For a hobby, I make wooden racing cars.
For a hobby, I wooden racing cars.

I pay the utility bill monthly.
I the utility bill monthly.

Because I need exercise, I run to the park and back home.
Because I needed exercise, I to the park and back home.

I see the airport from the top of Pikes Peak
I the airport from the top of Pikes Peak.

I sell bicycles.
I bicycles.

When I go to school, I take the 7:30 bus.
When I to school, I the 7:30 bus.

My mother always knows when I tell a lie.
My mother always when I a lie.

When I go to the mountains, I stay in Breckenridge.
When I to the mountains, I stayed in Breckenridge.