Want Ad
Read the want ad and answer each question.
F/T, M-F. 8-5. 2 yrs. exp. and 2 refs. req.
$11/hr., benefits, pd. vac. after 1 yr. Call owner
for appt. (303) 772-9811. Woodword Computers.
How many years of experience are required for this job?
- 1 yr.
- 2 yrs.
- 8 yrs.
- 5 yrs.
Does the job pay benefits?
- Yes
- No
- Does not say.
- $11.00/hr
How many people have to recommend you for the job?
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
How can you make an appointment to apply for this job?
- Talk to a friend
- Call the owner
- Go to Woodword Computers
- Write to the business